2011 Ironman Lake Placid, Marathon leg, lap #1

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The End

Due to some cyberspace security concerns this will be my last post.

I will miss blogging, but there are bigger concerns in life no doubt.

So here goes my last post. 

First of all, I would be remiss not to mention that my heart goes out to the people of Newtown. The rest of Connecticut grieves with you.

A breif moment of silence in rememberance was taken prior to the start of the Norfolk Pub 10 miler.  

Due probably in part to a variety of life stresses, dehydration, and cumulative fatigue I just could not keep my heart rate down. I don't think the hills helped with that either.  

Did I say hills, well I don't know but it seemed like it could have passed for a MT Everest expedition! 

Anyway by mile 7 my left hip was giving me some problems. I decided to just mail it in as they say. Not too happy with my time or race,  but the bottom line is that it is nearly time to start another season of training.  
So I'll be moving on pretty quickly and not dwelling on this one.
See you out there, good bye blog, its been real.
And peace to all in 2013.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Fwd: Congratulations from USA Triathlon

This is a major surprise to me, looks like I somehow qualified for the national Olympic distance triathlon championship! 

-------- Original message --------
Subject: Congratulations from USA Triathlon
From: no-reply@usatriathlon.org

Congratulations Lani Ralston. You have qualified for the Olympic-Distance race at the 2013 USA Triathlon Age Group National Championships on August 10 in Milwaukee, Wis., after finishing in the top 10 percent in your age group at the Women's Triathlon.

Click here for more information

Registration will open on February 1, 2013. This event has sold out in each of the past three years and is expected to sell out again in 2013, so be sure to claim your spot on the starting line early.

The USA Triathlon Olympic Distance National Championship is the nation's premier amateur Olympic-distance event with the top age-group athletes from all 50 states forming one of the most prestigious age-group fields in the sport. A select few athletes from each age group will also qualify to represent Team USA at the 2014 International Triathlon Union (ITU) World Championships. ITU has not yet announced the date and location for the 2014 World Championships. Details will be added to the Team USA website as soon as ITU makes an official announcement.

For more information on the 2013 USA Triathlon Olympic Distance National Championship, please visit www.USATNationalEvents.org. Please note: Athletes must be current USA Triathlon annual members through August 10, 2013, in order to register. You may register or renew your membership at www.usatriathlon.org.

USA Triathlon annual members should CLICK HERE now to take advantage of exclusive sponsor discounts when making travel arrangements for Milwaukee. The host hotel is the Hilton Milwaukee City Center Hotel. PSA exclusively manages USA Triathlon-owned National Championship housing needs and can offer the best rate for the USA Triathlon room block. Once the room block has been filled, athletes looking to reserve other rooms at the Hilton Milwaukee City Center Hotel can use a 15% sponsor discount through USA Triathlon and Hilton.
Click here for more information

Questions? Email NationalEvents@usatriathlon.org;

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mittens 5k

Very tired from recent trips to Philadelphia,  Arizona,  and NYC. My right shoe managed to come off during the race as well, so not the best time ever (22:41 chip). It did however get my heart rate up, so good zone 5 workout. Most of all nice to see some friendly faces, like Judy, whom I was surprised to run into there.

Biked on the trainer ( nearly killed me) and did a poor excuse for a Swim workout as well in the afternoon. 

Tomorrow I officially enter the next stage of my training plan. Offseason is over, pre-season which culminates with "testing week" during the last week of the year starts tomorrow. 

The focus has shifted from making workouts lower on the priority scale during " off season"  to working out tecnique and power issues that will be needed for testing week, as they will ultimately set up my zones for training come January.

2013 is on the way!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Off season

Well I have been "off season" since 11:15 am yesterday when I dove across the finish line in Philadelphia in my desperate attempt to finish under 4 hours (which I did with 2 whole seconds to spare) . 

So that was about 32 hours ago.
Now I am supposed to be resting.
I feel good physically. 

But I am unwell mentally. In between the dentist, oil change, laundry, and packing for Arizona I have been obsessively checking MarathonGuide.com, Hi-tek Racing Calendar, and even the Springfield Harriers Website (they have. 50K on December 15!). I almost registered for Hyannis Marathon ( end of February) about 20 times...

But I think I better stick to my coach's carefully developed training plan (I am my own coach by the way!!) and concentrate on the bike for now. For the curious that mostly means bike trainer this time of year.

There's an interesting article in Triathlete Magazine this month about avoiding the temptation of an off season Marathon in order to have a better overall next year. The reason is that a full Marathon supposedly takes a lot out if you, and I do believe that even though for some reason I never really physically feel it in an identifiable way.

The author suggests concentrating on developing a speedy half Marathon or challenging yourself to run every day for 50 or 100 days instead. I might try this.

I think after running 5 regular marathons and one 50 miler in 2012 it seems like following that advice might be in order so that I don't develop any injuries and my training does not fall apart again in late Spring/ Summer.

If you hear me talking about registering for Hyannis, remind me of the above!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Philadelphia Marathon

This is a must- do race! Great city, very accessible by car, train, plane. Was able to navigate my journey in Philly on foot no problem. 
The race took us through all sorts of picturesque and historic areas.  Even with the addition of a few thousand extra runners from the NYC Marathon, it was hands down the most organized Marathon I have ever run.
Running the race started ok despite multiple mishaps including forgetting my running clothes, slicing open a finger on a staple, my ipod dying. Thingd were OK right on through mile 24-25 where a bout of ischemic colitis hit me like a ton of bricks. I hobbled through that last mile, then gutted out the last "point two" for a final time of around 3:59:58. 
Not my best, but I think I handled all that stuff well...
Now I am officially off season!I have 2 weeks of travel and unstructured workouts to recover before setting my eyes on 2013.
All in all a good year!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Race Week

More graphs and charts!
As in the photo, race week has presented me with a complex set if variables.

Brick workout this morning, I think from here on out it will be more sharpening type workouts, walking that fine line between hanging on to chronic training load effects while inducing some recovery ....

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Another PR!

This just in, oddly enough while attempting only to do easy sets of 100's at the pool today focusing only on form I set a 100 PR by about 7 seconds--while not even actually intending to do so. 

Confused by the scenario, I contemplated calling Timex as maybe it was a watch malfunction. A fluke so to speak. 

So I went on with additional sets and repeated the time again.

Wow, I really must sit down and look at my training light from the past few weeks...somehow I have managed to set a Marathon PR, bike threshold test PR, and a 100 yard swim PR all in a span of a few weeks.

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Threshold test and suffer fest

 This morning, I had a nice easy 10 mile run with the Brickyard crew. I threw in some pickups over the last 23 miles and felt great.
 At just over mile 10, I met up with Linda and we walked 1 mile for a cool down.
 This afternoon's mean set was a functional threshold power output bike test. I was a bit nervous about this test because I have been following an off season cycling power based plan for approximately 6 weeks and was not sure what the results would be.
 However I was pleasantly surprised with the most significant increase in power output I've had over the last 6 months!!!
 And I had a great zone 5 bike workout to boot, I nearly fell off the bike and could barely walk when the test was done.
 So now the double edge sword, I have to recalculate all my power zones, and the workouts promise to only get more challenging from here on out.
 In other news, my plans for travel to the Philadelphia Marathon are coming together... we are on the brink of race week once again!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Philadelphia Marathon

Bib numbers came out today, I'm 5620 in Corral 3 green.

Looking forward to a nice run in Philly, which will bring my 2013 season to a close.  

Hope it's not too cold,  but then again after last year's HTC 18 miler around Riverton in January, what actually is too cold I wonder. 

Afterwards I am planning to take a week of unstructured training, including a short trip to Arizona. Since i will be out of town for Thanjsgiving and miss Manchester, I plan on doing my own Turkey Trot- a 10 mike loop on the Ironking Trail into thd Dells (think rock formations like Sedona).

When I return I plan to then continue with pre- season workouts through the end of the year with the goal of increasing my power output on the bike and bringing down my 100 time in the swim.

January 1, 2013 I will be starting all over again this time following a 36 week Fink Ironfit program in preparation for Ironman Lake Placid V 3.0. Wow, can't believe I am actually doing this again.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Ghost Run Half Marathon

Good day for a nice run with the Brickyard Crew. We ran the point to point half from East Hampton to Hebron, Ct along the Airline Trail.

Everyone survived, which is the important thing.

I among others was not overly thrilled my time. I suspect this was a function of being in the middle if a Philadelphia Marathon Build Week, along with an off season functional threshold biking plan rather than the steady ascent from mile 7 to the finish.  

All in all, though it was a good zone 4/5 run for me and boosted my chronic training load quite a bit.

Now just 13 days out from Philly,  and rest is the order of the day!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

IRONMAN Lottery Program

Hoping for some good luck this year!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
Subject: Registration confirmation for IRONMAN Lottery Program
From: "Lottery@ironman.com" <Lottery@ironman.com>
To: laniralston@msn.com

Dear Lani Ralston,
Thank you! You are now registered for the IRONMAN Lottery Program - Triathlon-Full/Long Distance. Please check the event's website for updates.
Registration Details
Registration ID: R-034R90T2
Participant: Lani Ralston
Date: 10/12/2013
Location: Kailua Pier
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740
Category: IRONMAN Lottery Program - Triathlon-Full/Long Distance

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ghost run build

Getting ready for the Ghost Run, and we are in business. The weekend's training bumped up training load a bit, and hoping to build from there. Watch out Ghosts, here I come!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Reverse taper

We are 7 days post Hartford Marathon. During race week, o tried to do a bunch of short duration intervals - both bike and run to maintain fitness, while dropping the overall volume to come into race day somewhat rested. It seemed to work.
So this week, I did the same type of program, but somewhat in reverse. I have been keeping an eye on training load and volume all week, and was feeling good enough for one of my key weekend workouts: 5 miles high zone 2, followed by mile-ish repeats in zone 4 with a 1 mile steady state cool down. It was really nice to have the company of the Brickyard runners along the way.  I also ran into a friend of mine that was also at Ironman Lake Placid out there, as well as Linda and Mary around 10.5 miles.
All seems in order, will proceed on with this weekend's training.
I know a number of triathletes that use paid training programs and coaches, but right now I am loving figuring this all out for myself...the charts and graphs make me look and feel like a mad scientist but it's real trip when I start to see improvements. 
With that in mind, almost done planning my 2013 training out. Good times ahead!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hartford Marathon wrap up and training thoughts

Yesterday I ran the Hartford Marathon. Going against the oddsmakers, I pulled off an unexpected PR, just 13 days out from the Wineglass Marathon.

But was it really unexpected? The weather was perfect and that helped.  Also I studied my Performance Management charts (see photos uploaded this morning) all week and continued to maintain fitness with run and bike intervals right up until days before the race. 

About 48 hours before the race I let my race readiness score drift up a bit. Close to the race I did a lot of high cadence spinning and run strides. So despite  recent Marathon out I was in the "window" by Saturday morning.

How did I come to this methodology?
1. Kept a log

2. Studied log for trends

3. Looked to see the type if training that produced the best indivual response. 

***This must be reconciled with muscle type ( slow twitch vs. Fast twitch) and season ( pre season, in season, post season). ***

[It seems to me that in Pre and post season it may be best to have a training focus. In season, races sometimes work as training. To race or not, well it depends, the answer to that question is probably in the log]

4. I finally faced the music and admitted to myself that I most likely have a slight predominance of fast twitch muscles.  I'm no Usain Bolt, but history speaks for itself. 
I usually do better in the shorter more acutely painful events even though I don't train for the distance, in fact I was even offered a college scholarship to run short distance back in the day. 
This realization caused me to focus on doing a lot if shorter intervals after my distance work. That way I trained myself to hold back early on race, but still had what it needed to finish off the race. 
***[this is a guess but I would bet that slowtwitch person might be better with a more traditional high volume steady state approach, with one or two separate sessions of longer but less intense intervals once a week]***

5. I monitored training load, balance acute and chronic stresses

6.I always thought the taper was all about resting. Looking over my data I could see it's much more complicated and involves a struggle to hold into fitness as  there is a narrow window of opportunity to be fit and ready to race at the same time.

Other thoughts:
---What works for one person may not work for another, and what works for an individual in season may not work out of season.  Studying your training log is the best way to figure out your approach for a particular goal or season.
--There are many theories on training and racing. All of them have merit and all of them have drawbacks. Listen and evaluate based on your logs to decide if it will work for you. If anyone person claims to know THE way it should be done, or has ALL the answers their advice or plan should probably be avoided. Compared to medical literature, for example, there are very little true scientific randomized double blinded controlled studies behind any of this. 

--In training / racing there is always the X factor: all the things that cannot be controlled or explained- the weather, the course, unexpected happenings, stress, mental outlook, mechanical problems on the bike (!!!), the joys and calamities of life that affect the outcome in some inexplicable way...

That said, I am so happy I did not pursue the scholarship and the life of a competitive athlete. I love racing as an age grouper, having a career and life separate from times, results, PRs and PWs. After all of these years and miles I am still happy participating. I do not think I would feel that way now if I had pursued a competitive career where my whole livelihood and self worth was based on results that could be so easily influenced by the X factor.

Well this is anything but a typical race report but the Hartford Marathon 2012,  it was a great way to celebrate being alive! Thanks volunteers, race staff, family and friends!

When is next year's race?

A picture is worth a thousand words!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

My Hartford Marathon Crew!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Hartford Marathon!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

4 days out

This is a training peaks screen shot, literally shot from my cell phone camera. It's the state of affairs 4 days out from the race I did a set if hard but short bike intervals followed by hard and short run intervals before work. Same thing after work.

Cool beans, the numbers look good. The chronic training load dropped slightly, and the balance is still a negative number but will probably be positive (race ready)  in the next 24-48 hours.

So hope it's accurate, and in fact I preserved conditioning but am rested enough to run!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Monday, October 8, 2012


I would say this message applies to not just the Olympics but the Marathon as well.

Race week

The state of affairs going into race week. Ctl still up there, tsb on the rise....

Short intervals, swim today.

See what happens.

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Next project.

Hartford Marathon!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Wineglass Marathon

After a week of various family emergencies, household emergencies, and car problems managed to drag my self up to Corning, NY last Saturday.  

I was totally exhausted after the 6 hour drive, I skipped the meet and greet with Joan Benoit Samuelson and instead went to the hotel to crash. 

After all of the the heart rate/ dizziness issues of August and September I was not even sure if I could run...at all. 

Race morning I awoke at 4 to shower and check out. By 5:30 I was on the bus for a ride out to Bath, where the race started.

It was a low key crowd, low key event, and a nice even run. Even though I knew it was not going to be a spectacular PR run, I still kept a decent effort through the later miles. 4:09 chip.

4 days later I started a little 4-5 day training block. Hoping to recover and taper and maintain fitness at the same time. Tall order! Hopefully my training peaks data will assist in guiding my workouts over the next few days.

Hartford MarAthon now 7 days away!!!!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Performance Management

Well owing to family emergency x 2 last week, the death of our furnace, and a car breakdown I missed 4 days of training (gasp!).

I think that's the most I've taken off since 2006 when I broke my right elbow.

I benefitted from the rest in 2 wats, #1 I was present and accounted for in the midst of family crises and #2 I came back with an increase in FTP on the bike.

Currently dabbling in performance management software on Training Peaks, the above is a graph of the last month. The middle blue line is chronic training load, pink peaks are acute stresses, and the yellow is an approximation of race readiness. The small dots are individual data points.

I really don't grasp it all quite yet as it does seem like the "average" scores they refer to for the average athlete are maybe pro athlete and not normal people averages.

With that said, this week being a Marathon race week for me should be aimed at doing short intense bouts which keep the blue line up, while somehow letting the yellow line normalize so that I come into a race somewhat fresh with preserved fitness.

So we'll see how that works out this week!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


August, what happened I don't know:dizzy spells, racing heart, lackluster training....

September however started with a bang: big training block starting with a 20 mile run last day of August, then the New Haven 20k, another long run, triathlon, and continued threshold training.

The last long run was actually yesterday, partially with the Brickyard group. This was followed by a swim in the afternoon at 2:00/100y pace, bike this am and topped off by another race- the Union Tavern Trot in Windsor. 

Thanks to MapQuest I was totally lost and arrived with 10 minutes to register and line up. So no warm up, 0- Zone 5 a matter of minutes. I didn't have "it" and could only hold Zone 5a today, but I am sure I got the training effect. I realize my 5k is always going to be subpar because I never train for that distance, never taper for the race, and use it primarily for training purposes.

Incidentally I just happened to run into Tracy there. We will try to use her Garmin data from the race to establish some zones.

Also I wore #740 today, the second time this summer. My other 740 was worn in ironman lake placid, the photo is of today's # with my IM wristband. I did a little better with this 740 placewise- #2 AG.

But truthfully the other 740 means so much more to me. A decent race is just that, but a DNF is like your personal key to a treasure map. Without it, I kinda knew what I wanted but was not exactly sure how to get there, now I see the way!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.


After a long run with Hartford Track Club (2000-2002 ish, 2006- present) as my only affiliation, U joined HEAT. The plan is to potentially be a liason between the two groups, as per my conversation with Kelly Burns Gallagher. I think this could provide both groups with enhanced opportunities. Here's to an auspicious start!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

As the rooster crows

Last tri of the season. I was very happy with the results as I improved in all three sports, and posted one of the fastest run splits of the day on a pretty gnarly trail. I went from 95/500 last year to 35/500 this year, which I consider a massive improvement.

It's a purely local affair, and my jaw dropped to see the absolute ton of stuff people brought into transition...buckets if water, Duffel bags with several changes of clothes, water bottles, gloves, hats...seriously! For a 1 hour + event!!!! It made for an interesting transition to say the least.  

Strange, when you go to an ironman and will be out on the course 10-12x as long, all you can put on the rack is your bike. That's it!

The swim was like aquatic WWF, I got punched in the eye pretty hard once,  and had three people grab onto my legs and hold on! Ugh. If ya don't know how to swim learn before entering a tri! I used a Finis Tempo trainer, which was great as it helped me stay in pace in the mosh pit.

The bike was also interesting, lots of new athletes out there which is great. However I saw people riding in packs, completely drafting. Instead of going into the drop zone when being passed they would block. I even saw a yellow line violation or two. I saw the USAT ref on a red motorcycle, who did nothing to stop it. My issue is safety, those rules are there for a reason, we don't need added danger in an already dangerous sport.

The run was the best part. My new bike requires different muscle group use, so this rime I got off the bike feeling like I could fly! The trail was a bit messy due to the rainstorm last night, I had a good time out there. It was a lot of fun passing people.

The finish line was the best part.

First of all a rooster wandered into the finish chute, and crossed the finish line with me!!! That's one finish line photo I cannot wait to see.

Most importantly my mom was volunteering today,  and put my medal around my neck at the end of the race. It wad a very special moment.

Good way to end the tri season.

Now as Tray said last week, it's Marathon season!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Zone 1

After several weeks of lousy running, yesterday was a great day. Group run, flat terrain, about 10 miles.

I was able to do the whole thing in zone 1! And still keep up! A few weeks ago when I was struggling my heart rate would have been quite high and very uneven from mile to mile.

Crazy, as the pace was slow, and I would have never embraced a run like this years ago but knowing what I know now....I am recovered and ready for some good fall running.

But first, a triathlon today! Last of the season! OK off to SBR (swim, bike, run).

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Saturday's Brickyard Run

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Yellow Jersies, living strong, drugs, and dreams

Well, seems everyone has put in their 2 cents on the whole Lance fiasco over the past few weeks.  One LA thread on Slowtwitch was over 40 pages long!

So here's my comments:

I started running in 1984 as a teenager, after spending the summer at my grandparent's house in Lanikai, HI. Everyone it seemed was training for this thing called Ironman. On TV I watched a young woman from Maine run away from the field during the first ever women's Olympic marathon. I wanted to do that too! So I did.  I entered a 10k.  I knew of no books, magazines, or resources on the matter, so I made up my own training schedule on a calendar. I finished the race in 1:02, age 14!

Fast forward to high school, I did a few sprint tris and joined the XC team. I liked XC better than tri, simply because everything was about leveling the playing field.  You could not win a race just because you had better equipment, like in a tri. My mom loved biking however, and was probably Greg LeMond's biggest fan. 

I did well in high school running, was even offered a scholarship but did not take it because I wanted to get into the medical field.  The college progam indicated to me that health/science studies were not a good fit for a college athlete's travel schedule.

So I ran non competitively in college, and restarted racing after I got out. By that time, there was a new American cyclist on the scene: LA.  And coincidentally, my first job out of school was in oncology.  Wow, Lance's first tour victory was really an inspiration for my cancer patients. I can remember being in their rooms as they were suffering at the hands of their diseases, and some commercial Lance was in would play on TV.  See, I would say, don't give up. 

On a personal note, it got me back into cycling too, in 2001 I spent my income tax return on a Trek Alpha 1000 in Postal colors of course! At one point I even had a yellow bracelet, although I lost it- it was too big for my small wrists and slipped off. 

Dreams.  I think cross country running gave me the courage to pursue my dreams despite a pretty rough childhood.  Eventually, the dream of Ironman---which I was introduced to at the beginning of this whole journey during that 1984 Hawaii stay with my grandparents, came true for me as well. 

But with all of life's ups, there are always some downs.  For me, it's been beyond hard to realize that I can't save everyone and disease claims young lives. And it's been hard to deal with some of the changes in our healthcare system that at times makes work downright impossible.  Of course, it's been tough accepting that heroes we look up to for inspiration were not all they were cracked up to be.

That said, I think we all need to have dreams and hope.  Looking back on all of this, I appreciate the the dreams that for me have materialized. In retrospect, I am glad I did not choose the scholarship and the competitive athlete's life.  I cannot explain the actions of others, and while I'm disappointed about cycling, Lance, all of the top pros basically---I  still want to believe in dreams and hope. At one time LA provided this for me, but not in the last years.  I've moved on, looking for sources of hope and inspiration in all I see around me and the people I meet every day. 

Life is good. Long live LeMond!

Late Summer update

August was a rough month. Mentally trying to deal with the DNF, as well as other assorted work and personal issues.  In the midst of all of that (?because of all of that) I began having dizzy spells and paplitations.  I caught my heart rate once up to 217!  I think it's all atrial, but I can hear a pretty good 3/6 systolic murmur...It's got a musical quality so I think it's physiologic, but I'll get it checked out sometime soon. 

Anyway, swim training with my total immersion coach is going well. I hope this new style of swimming eventually leads to faster times.  In that vein, I am looking at getting the Poolmate Swim watch to assist with my swim training and data collection.

Biking went well, the tri bike flies!!!!  I calculated approximate power ranges based on speed for a bery specicfic set up on my bike trainer, and am working on increaseing FTP through the use of approximated power training.

And my very own, specially designed "superfoods diet" is awesome.  Gives me lots of energy and keeps that weight down. 

What's not been going well??? My running.  Ugh. Legs tired and leaden. Heart rates wayyyyy to high. Sometimes I have felt like I can't breathe while running. I did manage a course PR at the Lobster Loop 5K in mid August, and a new Olympic Triathlon PR at Lake Taramuggis Tri last weekend. HR still super high, so I QUIT (ouch!) drinking coffee. This seemed to help, I managed to get that 20 mile training run done 2 days ago, and trained all weekend. I had more even readings at the New Haven 20k RR today.  My time was 1 minute slower than last year, but it was a new course, and as I said, I trained right through this one. 

My next and last tri of the season is next weekend. I am thinking of doing my run workouts on my old Nordic Track ski machine to see if that helps foster some much needed recovery.

Posting NH pics- one terrible one of me running (note ice cubes sticking out under my shirt and pained look on face), as well as an HTC group shot.  Good times!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Fwd: Registration Confirmation

-------- Original message --------
Subject: Registration Confirmation
From: support@active.com


Registration Confirmation for:
Dear Lani,
Congratulations! You are now registered for 2013 IRONMAN Lake Placid. Please check the event's official website for updates: http://ironmanlakeplacid.com
2013 IRONMAN Lake Placid
Please notify lakeplacid@ironman.com immediately if your information changes.

Check out www.ironmanstore.com for all of your race gear and Ironman apparel needs. Use coupon code ?Ironman2013? for $5 off your purchase of $50 or more.
Speed for Rent! With cutting edge technology from ZIPP, TBT Race Wheels offers you a chance to ramp up your race day game. Rent the latest ZIPP race wheels at a fraction of the retail cost, with the convenience of in-expo pickup, drop-off and support at all North American IRONMAN and select IRONMAN 70.3 events. Visit www.tbtracewheels.com for full details on the rental fleet and to reserve your race wheels today!
Thank you and good luck!

IRONMAN Athlete Services

Registration Details
Confirmation #: 64800840-072312132939
Date & Time: 07/28/13
Location: Mirror Lake (Map)
Purchased at: 07/23/12
Category: General Entry
Name: Lani Ralston
Triathlon Articles

Triathlon Resources
Training Plans

Sunday, August 5, 2012

That's my foot after 10 miles in this heat! Hardcore running!

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Something must be wrong. So tired. Weight dropping too fast. Got to keep an eye on this.

Sent with the Samsung Galaxy Exhilarate™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Back in business!

Scottish Rite 5k! Wicked hilly course. 2nd female overall!!!!

Yay! DNF no more! 

Friends who raced with me: Rose, Jeanette, Amanda.

In exactly 365 days to the hour I plan to be past the finish line in the Olympic oval, ironman lake placid 2012. To that end, swim lessons continue, awaiting my bike, run training in high gear, adding in a strength routine next week, and signed up to have a coach review my training logs at beginner triathlete.  

Game on!

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bouncing Back

Well a year ago, someone at work told me that I would not find out how right away, but that my life was going to change somehow because of my Ironman Lake Placid finish.  I can't say much changed in my life over the 2011-2012 training season.  I began to think of myself as a real bad ass iron distance triathlete but that's about it.

Fast forward one year and a DNF later, and strangely I think I am a better person for the DNF than for the medal.  Odd I know.  I need a little more time to process this all before I go public with the news that I am a 2013 entrant. 

The few people that do know however have commented that it is more inspiring to see me bounce right back than to finish last year.  I also feel more humble, and am striving for a more balanced approach to all of this.  I think I feel and look more at peace depsite another year's enormous task ahead. 

As above, I need a little more time to process this all for myself.  I am still not sleeping at night.  I am OK till the lights go out, but when they do my mind is wide awake with the vision of my chain getting stuck in the crank out in Wilmington and three little letters: D...N....F....

Is it a great idea to enter another race a mere 6 days out from an Ironman start???  Probably not, but I entered a the Scottish Rite Freemason 5K on Saturday. I am hoping a halfway decent race helps erase my insomnia.

Two other things I have done- I set up my bike trainer on the absolutely highest resistance. For the next 1 year and 1 day I will grind out those intervals until I am in tears, going at 4 mph and feeling exactly as if I am in Wilmington. Next year I will own that stretch of road and I will be on a bike that will not break down. The other thing is that I have reviewed my second swim video.  I see what the coach is talking about-  I am like a windmill, constantly churning up the water and wasting a lot of energy pushing down.  My stroke is not fluid and efficient like Mr. Phelps.I'm working on straightening this out. Next year, I am going 1:30 or better in Mirror Lake. 

Here's the link to me churning away in the pool. It's mad exercise, but not not very fast or efficient in this manner.


Also note that although I did not finish the race, I still got to take home the nice Ironman Tan!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

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Ok. Up all night with thoughts of my DNF. But time to move on. I had a good day. I met Mom @ Starbucks, she gave me a beautiful bracelet which is inscribed with the words Believe in Yourself. We went over to he bike shop to check out mg bike which is still being built. I dropped off my DNF bike there, they will take off some of my better upgraded components and put them on the new bike. Then I met with Cathy, a swim coach in Long Meadow, Ma. Who gave me some insight as to the chain of events that ultimately ended in my chain failure and ended my race. On a more personal note, I used some of my time today to clean, get organized, and talk to my husband about straightening out the issues between us. So now I'm going for a run (zone 1 only) because I guess Project Redo is on!

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DNF @ Lake Placid

Well not even 48 hours have gone by. The short version of my IMLO 2012 race report is DNF.

It seems so surreal. I trained harder than last year and I don't know what happened.

In actuality, over the off season last year I did a lot of things right like maintaining a solid base, getting a real bike fit, swim clinic and video analyisis, and added a lot of hill training to my bike workouts.

Race morning started out OK. So I'll first mention the things that went right out there, and then wherein I think the problems were as race reports can be so tedious to read.

The Good:
Zero pre-race nerves
No panic in the mass swim start
No penalty on the bike course
Nailed the descent x 2
Grabbed water ect on the go
Without stopping-- better bike handling skills

The Bad:
Slow first swim lap, I think I tried to make up time and ended up doing more thrashing than anything
For some reason felt like my bell got rung in the swim
I will never do this again, but took a 5 HR energy shot supplement in T1 which shot my heart rate through the roof
I think the bike seat was too low, and I lost major power and time
When the winds kicked up, I could not handle it

The Ugly
So dehydrated after 12-14 bottles if water I still was producing zero urine
By the time I hit the notch in Wilmington, I was done. I wanted out, and then dropped my chain which got mangled into the crank. That was pretty much curtain call for me as time was evaporating

The Upshot
I learned so much.
I really really know my weaknesses better than before.
I did actually get the chain back on and completed the 112 miles
I can run free this fall and not worry about the extensive recovery time ironman takes.
I have a plan. One that may work with my life.
When I got home, unpacked, picked up the dogs from the kennel, ect I checked the website. I don't know how this could be possible but I picked up a spot for next year @ 4:33 pm. Just minutes later the website was stating the 2013 race had sold out.

Get ready for another trip around the oval.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

My sign- for the Wilmington Climb

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Had to be first at something!

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Rack and roll time!

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Checking in!

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

2 weeks

Today is 14 days out from the race. I reviewed my training log from last year. I see I reported a moderate, regular amount of fatigue as well as being mentally tired of the workouts.
With an additional year of high volume training, I think both my body and mind have become stronger. After yesterday's 5k, I nailed the 2.4 mile swim and afternoon brick. Unfortunately I had some worries on my mind, and only slept about 2 hours. Still got out for my long ride this am. I followed the MS 50 bike route which conveniently runs past my house. I had my best training ride EVER. This is in stark contrast to last year's light entry for this workout which said, " felt lousy" , so lousy that I did not even save any metrics. But I do remember the.misery!
Next weekend, it will be time to start packing.
The following weekend, it's show time!
Aside from race preparations, I am also preparing myself for that post ironman cliff, which I hope not to fall off again this year. Signed up for some fall races, including the Newington Bike Olympic tri, the Women's trial, Hogssback half, Wineglass, and Philly. Thinking about the Lake Taramungus open water swim well.
Uploading the map of today's ride.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Red Dress 5k Photo- Amanda and Me!

Red Dress 5k

It was a super hot morning for a race, but as always the Hartford Marathon Foundation put on a great show.
Personally, I had a great race. I weighed in at exactly the same weight as last year for this race morning, and am in the same place with my ironman training (read wicked tired!).  So those variables are controlled, but I am one year older...
My mental focus is much better now I think, I often feel like I don't match up to the faster looking runners. But I realized, for all I have been through, looks aside I know how to suffer. More. More than many others. So on this confident note, I arrived before 7 am, checked in and ran the course. Compared to my ironman training routes, the "hills" on this course seemed inclines.  I tried to relax with heart rate monitor biofeedback before the race, it worked - I almost fell asleep under a tree.
When the start time came, I lined up in the front-page not saying I am fast mind you, but I know how to suffer and gut out a 5k.  Unfortunately,  I went out with the lead pack and stayed with them through mile 2ish. This wound up being 6:36 pace, at least for mile one. I know that I am not trained to hold that kind of pace right now, ironman is at the complete opposite end of the spectrum. But I decided to hang on and work the hills the bast I could. Finished in 22:01, 22 seconds faster than last year, kicking it home for the old folks and vegetarians out there! Yes, it can be done.
So now I have to dial it in a bit, I still have a 4200 yard (2.4 mile swim), then a bike ride/ run combo workout (aka brick) today, and then a long bike ride tomorrow.
Hey, I thought this was supposed to be a taper...this does not sound very restful to me!  Oh well, I guess they don't call it ironman for nothing!

Timex run gps

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This week marked the second to last phase of ironman training - the taper.  In my limited experience, getting this part right is an art. I am loosely following the program's recommended taper, but making adjustments based on very careful self monitoring and comparing workouts, comments ect. From last year during the same time.  My focus right now is rest, race prep, and a slight increase in intensity while keeping the frequency the same and dropping the volume.
The other major focus is mental-keeping a sharp focus on what I need to do,  not allowing interference from the type of craziness generated by competition, forums, ect.  Trying to learn to relax deeply and channel my mental energy.
Another change is the 4 am alarm, every day even if no am workout planned. By the end of the month,  this will feel completely natural to be up and around pretty early.
In other news, I have acquired a Timex GPS watch/ heart rate monitor.  It works well, I don't think that it can be beaten for the price. Having fun looking at my results on a map when I get home.
Well in the theme of increased intensity, going to a local 5k today. Looks like it is going to be hot today, I would like to run around 7:10 pace but we'll see what happens with the temps, it might just turn into a race if attrition.
Pic of the Timex GPS run trainer to follow.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tonight's fortune cookie!

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Post ride refreshment emergen.c on the rocks

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Epic ride 6000+ feet of climbing!

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Up and down

So this is the second to last week of full training.  At times, I've felt drained and week-- probably from all the hill training.  I took one extra day off this week, and had an energy surge...although my strenghth was not back 100%.
Trying to drop a pound or two also, this morning I weighed in at last year's ironman race weight.
We'll I'm tired but it's gotta be done- a long ride this weekend with the goal of 6000 feet of climbing. This will be (God willing) accompanied by a long run and long swim.
Keeping the faith and rocking on!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Mirror Lake

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Lake Waramaug 50 miler

Ironman Lake Placid Camp, 2012

Blog and Log

Training for Ironman Lake Placid V2.0 has continued in earnest for the last 2 weeks.  It's down to the wire here, and I am almost exclusively concentrating on my weak spots. Directly after Rev 3 70.3 (Quassy) was a bike focused week.  I rode about 5x in one week, on top of the running and swimming.  The training consisted of almost entirely of timed hill repeats on the local hills that have always given me troubled. My run workouts are done with goal of negative splitting, and the swim workouts all intervals.  It's hard to tell if I am making progress, as my body is fatigued...in the final two weeks of an intense 6 month training program. 

The good news is that last Wed. night, at the annual Solstice Sprint 5k I hit a PR on the somewhat difficult WH Reservoir course. Certainly, it's far from my overall 5K PR, but a 22:55 (7:25 or so pace) on that hilly course, after a long work day, in the midst of Ironman training--I'll take it.  Tonight's swim was an ever so slight improvement on overall yardage for 1 hr, and that's with the skimpy rest intervals mixed in there too.  And the bike hill repeats SEEM to be getting faster.

However, I once again have stopped logging my workouts.  Well I'm getting the hours in, and following the plan so that's what is most important. 

Only time will tell.  Right now less than 5 weeks to get all the details straightned out.  Hoping to drop about 1-2 lbs before race day.  Also, depending on how finances look, thinking of getting the Timex Run GPS which looks like a great device for all three disciplines, and will help with pacing myself on race day.

Also working on some mental training.

And getting myself focused for the descent into Keene. For that specific portion of the course I have gone from my fancy carbon Americal Classic Wheelset to the standard alloy rims that came with the bike for improved brakining power. 

I guess the other big thing that is on my mind is what happens on July 23....I won;t be signing up for Lake Placid again next year, what will life be like after Ironman???  What's next??? 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Rev3 70.3 Quassy, race morning

Rev3 Wrap Up

Mid May involved a 3 day training camp in Lake Placid, NY which left me a little fatigued and disappointed. I was much slower on the hills (especially on the second lap) --maybe I went out to hard on the first. It's especially disappointing in light of the sheer number of hours I've been putting in.

The weekend after I returned to CT, it was a USATF race in Branford. A flat 4 miler, which I ran at 7:29 pace. This additionally contributed to my growing disappointment, as I ran that race last year @ 7:10 pace. Ughh!

The final blow came for me at the Rev70.3, which admittedly I did as Training and did not race. Still I was quite disappointed with my rather slow bike time, 13.59 mph albeit on a very technical course. I think my biggest equipment issues were that my Suunto heart rate monitor lost connection during the swim and I did not get it back until 90 minutes into the bike as well as my bike computer which started flashing, then died... Was lost without my cadence meter.

Well, as planned since I did not race this one, recovery time was minimal. All week I vacillated between quitting tri forever and appreciating how exciting it's been to do something so super challenging in which I have no natural ability.

After getting myself together, I started researching hill climbing technique, and got out to practice the hills a few times. Truthfully, I think the place where I'm losing the most time is on the descents and being too scared to get up out of the saddle. I'm also watching those calories, and will knock this body down to race weight ASAP. Other components of Project Placid include using SwimCordz every morning, taking iron tablets (I think I'm anemic again), tons of body weight squats, only using the stairs at work (those consults on the 8th-10th floors are going to be killer), push ups, taping down my bike computer/ cadence attachment, and using the polar heart rate monitor +/- the add on GPS unit on the run.

I am also contemplating a return to my old training program template as I do not think the volume has been high enough with the Friel program.

So that's it, folks, I'm back at...expecting nothing, prepared for anything, It's Lake Placid or Bust!
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